Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our First Sunday as a new church!

Today was a very exciting day for the Church in the Center. We had our very first worship service in our new meeting space! It was a great time of bonding together as a core group and renewing our vision for our church to be a ministry to the Texas Medical Center.
It was absolutely the most incredible/strangest feeling walking out of church and immediately seeing Texas Children's Hospital about one block away, which of course is where this whole journey began for us. We are finally here!
Ben and I went on a date tonight (thanks to Andrew and Fabia!) and we were just saying we couldn't believe that we actually were beginning what began as just a thought almost two years ago exactly.
We thank God for this incredible culmination of two years of prayer, hard work, excitement, nervousness, moving, faith, doubt, and most of all, his hand of mercy upon us!

1 comment:

Marcus and Meg Asby said...

So exciting!! Sad tomorrow is cancelled for you guys, but I hope you're enjoying the time of rest and staying dry!