Tuesday, June 21, 2011

VBS 2011

So many of our friends have recently asked about our story being in LifeWay's VBS material this summer. I am sorry I did not do a better job about letting everyone know! :)
The North American Mission Board sent a team to Houston in 2009 to follow us around for 5 days and capture a bit of our story and ministry. They made a video about our story and the church that can be seen here:

For VBS, they used the same content but dubbed over using a kid's voice. For some reason I can't find that video on YouTube. (and we all know YouTube is all-knowing!)

For the record, Landon is doing well. We just had his yearly check-up in April and he was released for another year of being a normal kiddo! We are so thankful for this.

Edited: here is the link to the actual VBS video:


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