went tee-tee on the potty today!
Yay yay! For those of you who don't appreciate a good potty story, you may as well just browse somewhere else! :)
She was running around saying, "Potty! Potty!" She has done this before and I sit her up there and.... nothing.
But today, she did it! Landon and I made such a hoopla about it that she probably freaked out and thought she did something wrong. I mean Landon was seriously screaming, in the high pitched way that Landon screams, "Allie went tee tee on the potty! Allie went tee tee on the potty!"
Then, what was really funny, was I asked Landon if he wanted to call Daddy and tell him. He said, "Yeah!" I asked what he was going to tell him. He said, "That I want to go to Lindsey and Alan's house!" (my sis and her hubby) Oh, well. I called and broke the news myself.
Sorry, Sam's Club. You may soon be losing $35 a month from the Hays family on diapers.
Almost a year gone by
8 years ago
Congrats! We are working on that in our home too :)
i love that sam's is losing $35 a month! we're getting there too!
Kati Ann is almost 19 months...she'll be 2 on May 1. She's a blast!
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