Saturday, November 29, 2008

Allie's words

These are the words Allie is saying as of now. Many of them are brand-new, including her phrase today: Look at Me! (always a girl, right?)

This is more of a list for myself, but thought some of you would enjoy hearing her words as well! She is also saying: (with her pronunication first, then the actual word!)

Mama (at least 1 million times a day!)
Daddy (a close second at 900 thousand times)
Landon (she loves her brother and looks for him when he is missing from the room!)
ditty (kitty)
beh (a dual word: bear, which is her favorite DVD; also "bread")
I want out! (of her high chair, bed, carseat, etc.)
bebe (baby, maybe this should actually be in first place!)
babble (another dual word: means Bible and apple)
want MILK!
Anni (our friend Anna)
donkey (random, right?)
Pooh (another favorite DVD)
I stuck!
Night Night
poon (spoon)
Nanny (candy, another favorite phrase)
oose (juice)
nana (banana)

I know there are more, so I will update as I think of (read: hear her say them!)
Have a great day.

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