Friday, July 4, 2008

Beach Bums

Yesterday, we went to Galveston to pick up my sister, Lindsey, and her hubby, Alan from a cruise (jealousy inserted here!) While we were waiting for them to arrive, we took the kiddos to the beach. They LOVED it. We had so much fun just playing in the water and sand for hours. Landon and Allison were laughing the whole time (until Allie fell asleep in my arms!)

I love living only an hour from the beach. It reminds me, above all other of God's creations, of his magnitude and greatness. Can't wait to go again!

What reminds you of God's greatness? I would love feedback!
**Thanks to Daddy for the great pictures!


Marcus and Meg Asby said...

Precious photos! I would definitely say that being outside stirs my affections for Jesus. Especially in a place relatively untouched by buildings, pollution, etc. Marcus and I should take advantage of the beach soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you've sure got some cute kids.

Unknown said...

lor19Oh I just took Taylor to Galveston on Wednesday! We should take them together next time and ride the Ferry! I agree while we were at the beach I kept looking at the gorgeous scenery and realizing how truly blessed we are every day to see and experience these precious gifts we've been given in nature and our surroundings. I love the pictures!