Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Because I don't want to forget

I read recently that women lose brain cells in late pregnancy- well let me tell ya, I believe it! The kids have said some incredibly funny things this week and I can only remember 2 of them! So I will write them down before I forget:

Sunday morning, I asked Landon if he was ready for Kindergarten on Monday. He looked at me in surprise and said, "What? I thought I got off of kindergarten for hunting season!" Oh, what a good Hays he makes!

Monday afternoon we were driving to dinner and Allie was whining. We are trying to get her to tell us in an "unwhiny" voice when something is bothering her. So Ben asked her to tell us her problem. She said immediately, "My pants aren't straight, I don't have a belt on, and you just ran that stop sign!" Oh goodness we laughed and laughed. Which she did not find funny. (on a side note, the stop sign was not run, I guess she expected us to sit there all day!)

1 comment:

Carmelle said...

haha. Kelli this is so perfectly him! :P