Monday, July 20, 2009

"Not my Child" Monday!

This post is courtesy of MckMama's blog- usually she does a "Not Me Monday," but this, week, it's all about the children! I certainly don't have TONS of content for this post!

Wednesday, my son did not come in while I was praying for the women in our small group and throw a temper tantrum, swatting his hands in the air and saying, "I don't want to leave!" And I certainly did not become very... ahem... disappointed in him.

While taking my two little ones shopping on Saturday, I certainly did not turn around to find my 2 year old daughter eating candy straight off the candy rack in the check out line. (Which I certainly did not have to pay for, after I had just swiped my debit card!) I couldn't punish her, though, even if she did that, because that was honestly the first time she has ever been out of the buggy at check-out!

A few weeks ago, my son was not nursing a baby doll in front of about 15 people at one of our weekly ministries. Wow. Certainly he would not do something so embarassing!

Now it's your turn! Share your funniest stories about your child (or yourself if you do not have children) and feel a great deal of relief in the making! :)


Kelli W said...

Too funny! I'm always afraid that my boys are going to rip open candy from the checkout before I can stop them!! They haven't yet...but I'm sure it will happen at some point!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Too cute! My kids have tried to swipe candy in the checkout line, but I always catch them in action. far!