Update 2/6/2010
Landon asked if we could take a spoon to Heaven in case Allie got an attitude! What a selfless young man!
Dec 17, 2009
The kids are really saying some funny and/or profound things lately and I don't want to forget them!
Landon to his babysitter the other night about a picture in his room: "That's Bethany. She's my girlfriend and we're gonna get weddinged one day!"
Allie tells us, "Y'all are wearing me out!" in the most country accent you have ever heard. She is also requesting pink birthday cake for Jesus' birthday party, which is coming up soon!
Landon asked me not too long ago how people got to Heaven before Jesus died on the cross. Try explaining that to a four-year-old. He also cried the first time Ben explained Jesus' death to him. Wow, that kid has a heart.
One thing Ben and I tell the kids is "I love you to Australia and back." Well the other day Landon told me he loved me to Heaven and back. Pretty sweet until I told him "that is such a loooong way!" He said, "Not really, it's only to the sky!" That stinker.
Well naturally I can't think of many examples since I'm taking the time to "write"
them down, but I am hoping to update as more occur!
Updated 1/1/10:
When we were moving Landon's furniture to paint his room, we asked him if he wanted his bed in the same place or if he wanted us to move it. He said, "I want it moved." We asked him where, and without missing a beat, he said, "Into y'alls room." ha!
On the way home from a Rockets basketball game last night, Allie told Ben (who was driving), "Be careful, father!"
Also, after the game, the kids were talking nonstop about Louis Scola. They want to meet him and talk to him.
Almost a year gone by
8 years ago